Carlo Sarrabezolles, muse of 1922 PARIS , is a French monumental sculptor who made a major contribution to the decorative arts. He is a central figure in the artistic heritage of 1922 PARIS.

Carlo Sarrabezolles 1922 paris sculpteur des arts déco entrain de travailler sur la rénovation du panthéon à paris


1922 PARIS merges contemporary art with the sculptural legacy of Carlo Sarrabezolles, integrating his monumental works at the heart of each collection and event.

An eminent French sculptor, he has joined forces with prestigious architects to carry out significant projects in France and abroad. An innovator, he sculpted fresh concrete, creating monumental works linked to architecture. His talents as a portraitist and his participation in major exhibitions distinguished him, notably with “The Soul of France”, crowned National Prize in 1922.

...until death surprised him in his workshop on rue des Volontaires in Paris in 1971.


Carlo Sarrabezolles, Sculpture l'Ame de la France, symbole de 1922 PARIS, Meilleur Art Déco Francais


The Soul of France

Carlo Sarrabezolles, an emblematic French sculptor of Art Deco, is famous in particular for “The Soul of France”. This monumental work won the National Prize in 1922 and embodies the talent and innovation that marked the Roaring Twenties in France. The sculpture, representative of French Art Deco, has crossed continents and eras to finally find its place in Reunion. This masterpiece, which joined the 1922 PARIS artistic network, highlights Sarrabezolles' lasting influence in the art world and continues to inspire contemporary art in France and Paris.

Carlo Sarrabezolles Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs de 1925 à Paris avec La Pallas Athéné


The triumphal dance of Pallas Athene

Carlo Sarrabezolles created “The Triumphal Dance of Pallas Athéné” in 1925 for the International Exhibition of Decorative Arts in Paris. A masterpiece currently kept at the Musée des Années 30 in Boulogne-Billancourt. The artist, who joined the artistic network of 1922 PARIS, masterfully expressed the dominating intelligence of the material. Since 1989, a resin replica has proudly stood in the Trocadéro gardens, offering Paris a fragment of antiquity and French elegance.

Carlo Sarrabezolles taille direct dans le béton église de Villemomble


Campanile of Villemomble

Carlo Sarrabezolles, master of Art Deco and winner of the National Prize in 1922, revolutionized the world of sculpture with his invention of direct cutting of concrete in grip. He deployed this innovative technique for the first time in 1926 during the construction of the bell tower of the Saint-Louis church in Villemomble. By directly sculpting fresh concrete, he created a monumental assemblage of 20 7-meter-high statues, merging sculpture and architecture into a unique work. The church itself, built in several stages and completed in 1958, bears witness to the industrial architecture of the early 20th century. This monument has been listed as a historic monument since 1996.

Carlo Sarrabezolles, égérie de 1922 PARIS sculpte les Elements au palais de Chaillot pour l'exposition internationale des arts décoratifs


The elements

Carlo Sarrabezolles, renowned Art Deco sculptor, brought his artistic genius to the Palais de Chaillot, Place du Trocadéro in Paris, crowning the Passy wing with three bronze figures. This masterful work represents the four elements through three characters: a female figure embodying Earth and Water, and at her side, Air and Fire. Eloquent but without excess, it is a centerpiece of French Art Deco. Classified as a Historic Monument, this masterpiece remains an essential part of French art.

Carlo Sarrabezolles, égérie de 1922 PARIS, sculpte la gloire de la seine sur un immeuble face au pont neuf, pour décorer les rues de Paris



Carlo Sarrabezolles, an essential name in the world of Art Deco, has been able to combine innovation and tradition with his technique of directly cutting concrete in place. The work "To the Glory of the Seine" is magnificently located on the old Curie crossroads, in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, facing the Pont-Neuf, the emblem of old Paris. Joseph Marrast, the project's architect, and Sarrabezolles created a sculpture that embodies both the beating heart of Paris and the Seine that runs through the city. A masterpiece which received the praise of the Paris City Hall.

Carlo Sarrabezolles CMA-CGM Génie de la mer 1922 PARIS meilleure sculpture france bronze arts déco


The genius of the sea

“The Genius of the Sea”, a masterful work by Carlo Sarrabezolles, was initially to take pride of place on the rear deck of the legendary liner Normandie, designed by the architect Roger Expert for the first class. Expert, famous for his eye for detail and luxury, saw this sculpture as an ideal complement to his elegant design.

The work had the honor of being presented at the 1937 International Exhibition in Paris. Today, she welcomes visitors in front of the CMA-CGM headquarters in Marseille (formerly Compagnie Générale Transatlantique). This magnificent bronze is not only a nod to France's maritime history but also a tribute to Art Deco and French excellence in art and industry.

Carlo Sarrabezolles meilleur sculpteur des arts décoratif francais construit les oeuvres de l'ambassade de france de belgrade



The French Embassy in Belgrade, a gem of Art Deco architecture, is a magnificent synthesis of French elegance and academic style. Designed by the architect RH Expert and enriched by works by Carlo Sarrabezolles, this building embodies Franco-Yugoslav harmony. Its refined details and its interior and exterior decoration, signed among others by Sarrabezolles, bear witness to a monumental classicism softened by exceptional artistic finesse.


Projects in which works by Carlo Sarrabezolles will be exhibited.